
Broadway編舞家Tyce Diorio

I sing, I act, I choreograph and I dance. It was my goal in life..


我非常喜歡他每種不同舞風的編舞及選取的音樂,雖擅常於broadway 且常把Fosse的特點不知不覺地融入到他的創作中,但編起contemprary來也相當有詩意,動人。


SYTYCAD節目中,群舞約2.5~3分鐘、雙人舞約1:30分鐘,在這樣短短時間帶,肢體語彙的編排之豐富,令人驚喜,作品曝光率之高更讓我驚訝於他的創作能量。他有一個稱號--「舞神」,一點也不為過 ^0^


常看到他當評審 但卻很少看到他跳舞,下面這一個是他去徵選歌舞線上的影片。已有如此高知名度的他還真是性情中人,他說他是在作自己喜歡作的事(參加徵選 ~ ) ‧‧‧身體能力非常好、且還能唱、能跳、能演、能創作,像這樣的人都還在追求自己的進步,那我() ??





Tyce Diorio (1970.8.22紐約 布魯克林人)

高中就讀紐約的演藝學校(「名揚四海」片中的那間學校)17歲開始登台演出,學習過的舞風有國標,現代、非洲、踢踏、芭蕾、爵士等,在美國舞蹈最盛行的NYLA學習,與無數藝人合作過Janet JacksonRicky Martin Jennifer LopezMyaKelly OsbourneCeline Dion and  Toni Braxton,不過最大的貴人是Paula Abdul,從NY搬到LA之後就一直參與Paula Abdul巡迴演唱會MV拍攝活動中的舞者及編舞者。


近來可以看到國內在推廣音樂劇的努力,我想Tyce Diorio下面這一段話可以讓人更加了解到,音樂劇人要努力的方向是得比一般單純劇場人或舞蹈人更多的心力。國內音樂劇,加油 !!


I sing, I act, I choreograph and I dance. It was my goal in life to be able to have all that background. I sing equally as well as I dance.And I think the acting comes with the dancing, so you have to be well skilledin that department


< TyceDiorio的作品 >




Tyce Diorio Chorus Line Auditions 

Tyce and Allison Holker!
 *(MTV)Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson - Dance Like There's No Tomorrow 




Opening Number (Tyce Diorio Routine) SYTYCD Season 9 (Top 16)  

Sasha and Kent - Contemporary - So You Think You Can DanceFool Of Me by Meshell Ndegeocello
 K J - Contemporary - S4 W8 Top 6"All By Myself" by Celine Dion. 
 Tyce Diorio Dancers - 2010 Jerry Lewis 
 Money Money - Tyce Diorio Broadway (Top 14)

SYTYCD 2012 Ukraine - Jazz by Tyce Diorio (Alison Moyet - This House) 

Randi and Evan - Jazz (I Only Have Eyes for You) 
 SYTYCD Jeanine and Phillip Broadway routine by Tyce Diorio 
 So You Think You Can Dance Season 8 - Top 8 Group Dance - Contemporary

So You Think You Can Dance 9 Top 20: Alexa, Amber, George & Will


So YouThink You Can Dance Season 5 Kayla Brandon jazz


KentBoyd & Neil Haskell (Week 5 & Final / Broadway)






以下整彙自相關網頁 >





TyceDiorio has been performing ontelevision since age 17 when he won the Star Searchsetting a record with a perfect 4-star rating each week, the first time it hadhappened on the series.


Originallyfrom Brooklyn , New York , Diorio attended New York City 's famed High Schoolof the Performing Arts and following that moved to Los Angeles and met  upwith  Paula Abdul to dance on her Under My Spellworld tour as well as in her in her videos, commercials and award showappearances.

Janet Jackson,Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Mya, *NSYNC,  Kelly OsbourneCeline Dion and  Toni Braxton  are just a few of the artists Diorio hastraveled the world with and performed with onstage. Diorio has worked onnumerous feature films including the cult classic
Showgirls」「Starskyand Hutch」「Mr. and Mrs. SmithRobinHood: Men in Tights」「13 Going on 30」「FlintstonesViva Rock Vegas andEpic Movie.

In addition to
So You Think You Can Dance, histelevision credits include That '70s Show,TheTyra Banks Show」「The Academy Awards」「The American MusicAwards,.TheBillboard Music Awards.Fameas well asAnnie andCinderelladirected by Rob Marshall. Diorio also had the great privilege of starring inthe Tony Award-winning Broadway hit Fosseand Chicago.

Diorio has choreographed routines for Paulina Rubio and Tobey Maguire;commercials for iPod, McDonald's, Sylvania and Road Runner DSL; and a musicalentitled
Just Another Man. Diorio works privately with  Katie Holme s andTobey Maguire. He has also choreographed the music video for Paula Abdul'ssingle Dance Like There's No Tomorrow.

Diorio lives in Los Angeles , California . ----  

ByDeborah Searle.


====================================================================TyceDiorio is a star of the stage and screen with an amazing list of dance credits.As he prepared for his Australian visit, to choreograph for SYTYCD, DanceInforma’s Deborah Searle spoke with Tyce about his career, his inspirations andaspirations.

Withsuch artistic achievements, I asked Tyce about his dance background.

Q「「Wheredid it all begin?

A:「I trained inNew York city at the High School of Performing Arts , the school that  FAME is based on, I trained inmodern, jazz and ballet. I also trained in Los Angeles as well - both the leadingdance capitals of the world. I was very fortunate.


QIwas curious as to why he started dancing.

A:「My cousinacted on Broadway and in television and film and introduced me to my firstdance teachers. Then I studied ballroom first, then ballet, African, modern andtap. I had a really versatile studio that I went to,he revealed. 


Q So how did this broad training develop his dance passion?

A:「You’re sowell versed in so many different things that you start to have all theseinfluences musically, stylistically and culturally. It kept my mind workingreally fast, he said.


Withnot only skills in dance and choreography, but in music and acting also, TyceDiorio is an accomplished triple threat.

A:「I sing, Iact, I choreograph and I dance. It was my goal in life to be able to have allthat background. I sing equally as well as I dance. And I think the actingcomes with the dancing, so you have to be well skilled in that department,he advised.


Tycegreats eager dancers at The Pulse


QSohow did he get his big break?

A:「I was on ashow called  Star Search which is sort of like what SYTYCD  isnow for dancers, but back in ‘88. I was a teenager and I won the grand prize asa soloist with a perfect four star rating every week.   Paula Abdul was one of the judges and she sawme. I moved to Californiaand jumped on a world tour with her. It was my first huge job. I had donecommercials prior to that, he explained.

And it all started from there. It was just like a snow balleffect. Then I met Janet Jackson and life really began.


Morerecently we have been enjoying his work on the US series of  SYTYCD. I askedTyce about his experiences with the hit television show. 

A:「I amenjoying it. It’s been such a great journey/evolution for me. I won an EmmyAward which is thrilling. Just the whole experience has been a much awaitedthing for dancers and dance since the ‘90s.  So now it’s here and I’m just capitalising andriding that wave, because it’s here for a moment and then we’ll move intoanother faze at some point. But it’s been incredible,he shared.  


QSo how doeshe enjoy working with the team?

A:「NigelLythgoe  and Fox TV have been incredibleand so supportive. They give us such freedom and I get to work with amazingpeers/choreographers like Sonya Tayeh, Tabitha and Napolean, Wade Robson, MiaMichaels, and the ballroom experts. They are so brilliant.


QSo has hemet Australia’s Jason Gilkison?

A:「Of course!He’s one of my favourites. His work is so stellar, Tyceexclaimed.


SYCTYD isa wonderful experience for Tyce, but he has also enjoyed many other careerhighlights, noting his role in the Broadway show  Fosse as one ofthose special times. It was a starring role for me. Ireplaced one of the greatest modern/contemporary dancers of our time – DesmondRichardson. He’s brilliant.


Dancingwith Janet Jackson was also memorable for Tyce. I danced ona world tour with Janet Jackson, on what I think was her best tour – TheVelvet Rope. That was incredibly thrilling, he said. Winningthe Emmy Award was amazing too.


CurrentlyTyce is enjoying working with actress Katie Holmes.Iwork very closely with Katie Holmes– getting to direct, conceive, conceptualiseand choreograph a piece for her – an old Hollywood piece called ‘Get Happy.’


QHavingperformed on stage, television and film, I asked Tyce if he had a favouriteperformance medium.

A:「Ilove television because people have to get invested quickly and it’stheatrical, yet it’s also commercial and it’s sexy. The whole world gets toexperience it, he answered.


QSowhat inspires him to create such amazing work wherever it’s presented?

A:「The music,life and people watching, he revealed. Youwatch the way people move and the way they stop, think and feel. Humanity ingeneral inspires me.


Tyce is also inspired by otherartists.Dancers obviously inspire me; their individuality and their takeon certain people’s choreography. Other choreographers inspire me too, as wellas movies, art, New York City , Europe, Japan…. so many different things can inspire you I think. You pull from so manyplaces.


QSowhere will we see Tyce’s work in the future?

A:「Ihave an animated film coming out called ‘Dorothy of Oz’ and I worked on anepisode  

    of  Drop Dead Diva,he disclosed. 


QButif there was one more thing he could create, what would it be?

A:「I think thatI would like to probably have my own one man show that I direct, conceive andchoreograph. I don’t know? Maybe it turns into a book, movie or a televisionshow.


QSo would heact, dance and sing?

A:「“Everything”he exclaimed!











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