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第一次聽到Elisa的歌是在 〈so you can think you can dance〉這個美國舞蹈比賽節目中( 歌名: dancing ) ‚但是版本不太一樣 詞曲不僅讚‚
歌聲更讓人會一再地回味 ‚高音的部份聽了相當舒服。
美麗的歌聲 美麗的靈魂 優雅的氣質...
無論是哪一個版本都有不同的味道及令人驚喜之處 !
當你聽到這首歌時 你眼前的畫面是… ?
Elisa Toffoli出生於1997.12.19北義大利Monfalcone,
她從小就在舞蹈 , 繪畫 , 寫作上展露出天份。
11歲就開始創作歌詞 , 15歲開始參加電視歌唱 ,
18歲前往美國舊金山與Corrado Rustici製作人開始合作。
她的作品相當多 , dancing是為2002年的作品。
在台灣很難買到她的音樂 , 喜愛她的朋友們只能網購了囉。
·1997: Pipes & Flowers
·2000: Asile’s World
·2001: Then Comes the Sun
·2002: Elisa (international album)
·2003: Lotus
·2004: Pearl Days
·2006: Soundtrack ’96-’06
·2007: Caterpillar
·2007: Soundtrack live ’96-’06 - cd + dvd (23.11.2007)
Singles [Bearbeiten]
·1997 - Sleeping in your hand (#7 Italy) - Pipes & flowers
·1997 - Labyrinth (#1 Italy; #79 Europe) - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - A feast for me - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - Mr. Want - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - So delicate so pure (#23 Holland) - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - Cure me (#24 Italy) - Pipes & flowers
·1999 - Gift (#7 Italy) - Asile’s world
·2000 - Happyness is home - Asile’s world
·2000 - Asile’s world - Asile’s wolrd
·2001 - Luce (tramonti a nord-est) (#1 Italy; #18 Europe) -
Asile’s world
·2001 - Heaven out of hell (#1 Italy) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Rainbow (#5 Italy; #38 Europe) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Time - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Fever (#46 Germany) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Dancing (#7 Italy; #25 Canada; #42 USA) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Come speak to me (#18 Europe) - Elisa
·2002 - Hablame - Elisa
·2002 - Heaven (#21 Europe) - Elisa
·2003 - Almeno tu nell’universo (#1 Italy; #22 Europe) - Lotus
·2003 - Broken (#1 Italy; #25 Europe) - Lotus
·2004 - Electricity - Lotus
·2004 - Together (#7 Italy; #76 Europe) - Pearl days
·2004 - The waves - Pearl days
·2005 - Una poesia anche per te (#1 Italy; #22 Europe) - Pearl days
·2005 - Swan (#3 Italy; #27 Europe)
·2006 - Teach me again (mit Tina Turner) (#1 Italy; #18 Greece; #41
Switzerland; #43 Germany; #65 Austria; #20 Europe; #80 USA)
·2006 - Gli ostacoli del cuore (mit Ligabue) (#1 Italy; #2ovenia;
2 Albany; #26 Europe) - Soundtrack ’96-’06
·2007 - Eppure sentire (un senso di te) (#1 Italy; #43 Europe) -
Soundtrack ’96-’06
·2007 - Stay (#4 Italy; #5 Turkey; #49 Europe) - Soundtrack ’96-
’06 / Caterpillar
·2007 - Qualcosa che non c’è - Soundtrack ’96-’06 / Soundtrack
live ’96-’06
歌聲更讓人會一再地回味 ‚高音的部份聽了相當舒服。
美麗的歌聲 美麗的靈魂 優雅的氣質...
無論是哪一個版本都有不同的味道及令人驚喜之處 !
當你聽到這首歌時 你眼前的畫面是… ?
Elisa Toffoli出生於1997.12.19北義大利Monfalcone,
她從小就在舞蹈 , 繪畫 , 寫作上展露出天份。
11歲就開始創作歌詞 , 15歲開始參加電視歌唱 ,
18歲前往美國舊金山與Corrado Rustici製作人開始合作。
她的作品相當多 , dancing是為2002年的作品。
在台灣很難買到她的音樂 , 喜愛她的朋友們只能網購了囉。
·1997: Pipes & Flowers
·2000: Asile’s World
·2001: Then Comes the Sun
·2002: Elisa (international album)
·2003: Lotus
·2004: Pearl Days
·2006: Soundtrack ’96-’06
·2007: Caterpillar
·2007: Soundtrack live ’96-’06 - cd + dvd (23.11.2007)
Singles [Bearbeiten]
·1997 - Sleeping in your hand (#7 Italy) - Pipes & flowers
·1997 - Labyrinth (#1 Italy; #79 Europe) - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - A feast for me - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - Mr. Want - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - So delicate so pure (#23 Holland) - Pipes & flowers
·1998 - Cure me (#24 Italy) - Pipes & flowers
·1999 - Gift (#7 Italy) - Asile’s world
·2000 - Happyness is home - Asile’s world
·2000 - Asile’s world - Asile’s wolrd
·2001 - Luce (tramonti a nord-est) (#1 Italy; #18 Europe) -
Asile’s world
·2001 - Heaven out of hell (#1 Italy) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Rainbow (#5 Italy; #38 Europe) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Time - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Fever (#46 Germany) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Dancing (#7 Italy; #25 Canada; #42 USA) - Then comes the sun
·2002 - Come speak to me (#18 Europe) - Elisa
·2002 - Hablame - Elisa
·2002 - Heaven (#21 Europe) - Elisa
·2003 - Almeno tu nell’universo (#1 Italy; #22 Europe) - Lotus
·2003 - Broken (#1 Italy; #25 Europe) - Lotus
·2004 - Electricity - Lotus
·2004 - Together (#7 Italy; #76 Europe) - Pearl days
·2004 - The waves - Pearl days
·2005 - Una poesia anche per te (#1 Italy; #22 Europe) - Pearl days
·2005 - Swan (#3 Italy; #27 Europe)
·2006 - Teach me again (mit Tina Turner) (#1 Italy; #18 Greece; #41
Switzerland; #43 Germany; #65 Austria; #20 Europe; #80 USA)
·2006 - Gli ostacoli del cuore (mit Ligabue) (#1 Italy; #2ovenia;
2 Albany; #26 Europe) - Soundtrack ’96-’06
·2007 - Eppure sentire (un senso di te) (#1 Italy; #43 Europe) -
Soundtrack ’96-’06
·2007 - Stay (#4 Italy; #5 Turkey; #49 Europe) - Soundtrack ’96-
’06 / Caterpillar
·2007 - Qualcosa che non c’è - Soundtrack ’96-’06 / Soundtrack
live ’96-’06