







  / 劇本 : 札維耶多藍(Xavier Dolan/ 1989.3.20

男主角 : 梅維爾波柏(Melvil Poupaud

女主角 : 蘇珊克雷蒙(Suzanne Clément

女配角 : 娜塔莉貝伊(Nathalie Baye


取景運鏡 詩篇的唯美 

劇本對白 深刻又細膩

一步一步 堆疊的情緒

讓人喘不過氣 心情糾結 動容 更多的是不捨˙˙˙˙˙˙˙


這部電影其實討論的不是一般同性戀問題,也別於『在冥王星上吃早餐』。導演除了點出跨性別者在社會上所受到困難處境,但在另一方(女友)立場角度去探討身為一個女人的心裡矛盾、 糾結、痛苦與愛也很深刻。




除了多類型好聽的音樂 (可以買來收藏喔) 之外,每個鏡頭、場景、室內佈布置-從房間到氣派的晏客大廳都是經過仔細處理,豐富、乾淨、許多畫作光看場景會覺得也未免太美了,然而在角色性格衝突、尖銳對白、演員超讚的演技配上美麗場景調色,整體呈現出的豐富劇情張力不僅層次分明、節奏明快、令人著迷,心情亦隨之起伏˙˙˙一些幽默對話的背後很是讓人五味雜陳。


不論是把強烈情感、情緒隨時會爆烈的女友﹔內斂、時而脆弱、溫敦深情的勞倫斯﹔百般忍受家庭生活不輕易展現母愛的母親,要角們在角色詮釋及演技上真的很精彩,很有說服力! 女主角的演技很讚,坎城最佳女主角真的實至名歸。


前一陣子自己也一直在思考一個問題,剛好片中一句對白 ….. 『我喜歡的是他這個人,不論他是女人或是男人』。  我很同意這一句話,思考的如這部電影中主題『如果他想打伴成女人卻同時要維持一般男女交往的關係時






餐廳早餐,勞倫斯不願講出打架緣由,深怕女友擔心,但最重要的是他不想失去女友!  面對餐廳經理對勞倫斯的衣著不斷諷刺、言詞跺跺逼人,女友憤而起身對經理大聲咆哮 ~ 這一幕讓人拍案叫好真令人感動˙˙˙


男人們知道嗎? 要一個女人在公開場合以這樣方式去力挺她的男人、去為她的男人打抱不平是需要多大的勇氣嗎?? 除了愛還是愛 ~ 男人愛面子、要面子,難道女人就不愛面子、不要面子嗎 ? …為自己所愛,那就是面子,而這就是『女人』 !!


女友 :『你今天怎麼沒有換裝打扮?

勞倫斯 :『我想取悅妳,我可以不要打扮 ..





友人玩笑地說 : 『詩人(在寒冬)不需穿衣服,因為他們心中熱情如火焰』

勞倫斯 : 『沒有愛,火焰很快就會消失』



美麗的詞藻 是為他心愛的女人

悄悄的浪漫 是為他心愛的女人

默默地等待 是為他心愛的女人


10年不見 兩人的愛情並未消逝 ~ ~ ~  


最後的酒吧聊天,女友無意的說出要他改成男人外表(大概意思是這樣)時,我想她並不是刻意要如此去傷他的 與勞倫斯只愛女人但卻無論如何都想打伴成女人的心情是一樣的,女友雖然愛他、兩人仍然可以有親密關係,但終究她希望的是有個可以打伴成男人的勞倫斯 這沒有所謂誰對誰錯 ~ ~ 終究每個人都有自己跨不去、旁人認為不是大問題的洪溝˙˙˙


我們真的不能把自己以為理所當然或覺得容易的事套用在別人的狀況 ~ 特別是感情這件事!


與其留下遺憾,還不如停止對彼此的渴求 渴求越多,對彼此的尊重就要越多, 而過度的渴求與勉強所造成的彼此傷害只會如雪球般越滾越大




滿街落葉繽飛 ~ ~ ~




片尾,勞倫斯與女友的最初邂逅 ~ 簡單又迷人 ~  


真的蠻喜歡導演Xavier Dolan的風格跟他的劇本 ~ 鏡頭處理的那麼美,不是潮男才子也難 ^0^

















加拿大天才導演 札維耶多藍   









《雙面勞倫斯》找來曾在《愛無止期》精湛演出的梅維爾波柏(Melvil Poupaud)來詮釋變性男主角,細膩柔情的演出令人動容,演出不同以往的變性形象,絲絲入扣。凱薩獎影后娜塔莉貝伊(Nathalie Baye)則完美詮釋母親一角,與梅維爾波柏的精彩交手,令人拍案叫絕。而飾演女友的蘇珊克雷蒙(Suzanne Clément)更以此片獲得「一種注目」競賽單元的最佳女主角獎。三位主角精湛而具爆發性的演出,讓這個不太傳統的電影充滿了堅定與無畏。



醞釀四年 打造愛的三部曲
從一鳴驚人之處女 作《聽媽媽的話》、《幻想戀愛》到《雙面勞倫斯》,故事主角從少年、青年成長到中年,札維耶多藍醞釀四年,打造出愛的三部曲。《聽媽媽的話》是母子之愛,《幻想戀愛》是情人與朋友的三角戀愛,《雙面勞倫斯》則是兩個理想主義者的情愛。新片《雙面勞倫斯》從邊緣的角色身上,完美提煉出人類情感的共通性-熱戀、爭執、動搖、變質與重構的情感核心,再融入他最得心應手的『多藍美學』:對不可實現之愛的信仰和追逐。







■ 報導 / 謝 璇

被喻為天才的魁北克導演札維多藍(Xavier Dolan),繼十七歲一鳴驚人的處女作《聽媽媽的話》(J'ai tue ma mere)之後,隔年接著推出《幻想戀愛》(Les amoursimaginaires)。創作豐富的他,於今年發表新作《雙面勞倫斯》(Laurence Anyways),不僅片長長達將近三個小時,故事格局也走出青少年的糾結或對情感的抒發,拓展至對性別議題更深層的探討,眼界更全面,充分展現了導演的野心。

《聽媽媽的話》呈現青少年在成長過程中,面對自我的迷網與不明所以的強烈憤怒。透過與母親之間的激烈拉扯,細膩且深刻地展演輕狂年少的無知與內心的掙扎。《幻想戀愛》則詮釋跨越性/別的各種情感可能。在這兩部作品中,童星出身、表演慾極強的札維多藍皆飾演男主角,新作《雙面勞倫斯》才隱身幕後,全心投入編導工作。《雙面勞倫斯》的影像雖承繼札維多藍慣用的風格,包括以慢動作表現激昂的場面、放大細微的情感,廣泛運用強烈的音樂元素以及鮮明的配色,但故事深度已跨出青少年的私書寫,加入全面性的社會關照。故事橫跨19891999年,以整整十年的時間敘述勞倫斯(梅維爾波柏,Melvil Poupaud飾)從英俊挺拔的男老師,逐漸發現真實的自己,邁向扮裝、變性之路的過程。不僅描寫跨性別者自身的心境變化,更將議題衍伸至社會的反應。



表演經驗豐富,曾出演侯麥《四季的故事》之〈夏〉的梅維爾,在《雙面勞倫斯》中原本只擔任一小角色,卻因原定男主角在開拍前兩週辭演,臨時決定飾演勞倫斯一角。高大挺拔的梅維爾,在戲中扮裝成妖嬌迷人的女性,梅維爾認為穿著女裝非常自在,倒是每次上戲都得花兩個小時刮除腳毛才是麻煩。實際上,在接演《雙面勞倫斯》之前,梅維爾在其母香妲兒波柏(Chantal Paupaud)製作的紀錄片《Corssdresser》(2009)便擔任剪接,因而對性/別議題已有了解,也順利幫助他詮釋跨性別角色。演員扮演角色、性別扮裝成另一個性別,雖然飾演勞倫斯再跨越到另一個性別角色,看似複雜,對梅維爾來說,表演的當下就像是把情緒借給角色,為純粹的展演詮釋,無論哪個面向,都是完整的勞倫斯。






█ 訪談


"It's true that we have atumultuous relationship, a very explosive relationship, Xavier and I" - Aninterview with Melvil Poupaud and Suzanne Clément


Laurence Anyways is Xavier Dolan'sthird film as a director, and by this point we shouldn't be surprised by the 23year-old's confidence and stylistic verve. However, we might be surprised bythe scale of his latest picture, which encompasses 10 years in its 168 minutes,and by the emotional resonance that he achieves in his storytelling. Much ofthe credit for that must go to his cast, particularly Melvil Poupaud andSuzanne Clément in the lead roles.Poupaud plays Laurence, the schoolteacher who suddenly announces that he wantsto live as a woman, and Clément is his lover Fred, whodecides to stand by her man despite her own misgivings. They give two of thebest performances you'll see in a film this year, and when they came to London for the Laurence Anyways' UK premiereI met them to talk about it.


Suzanne, you worked onXavier's first film. Have you noticed how his style has changed or evolved whenyou worked with him again on this one?


*Suzanne  Clément  :Yeah,it was incredible. When I arrived for the first day of shooting I was amazed atthe steps he had taken, which I now understand is normal for Xavier, he'salways moving really, really fast. He was really bringing the crew together andthe way he directed actors has changed a lot.


First of all, in the first movie I didit was such a small part and he was playing with me, but still he is much morecreative and really confident in the fact that he wants things to happen and iswilling to try anything to get it. He is not shy with the actors, which evenmuch older directors can be sometimes. During this movie he was actuallytalking to us during the takes, which was quite an experience.


It was a lot of fun, sometimesdisturbing, but it really brings you off-balance and makes you take thedirection you wouldn't normally take as an actor, which I really liked. But itwas really challenging and that was one specific thing that he didn't do in IKilled My Mother, which he couldn't do because he was in it. As he saidhimself, it was his way of playing a part in Laurence. You could always hearhim in the dailies and I think he got tired of his own voice.


Melvil, you took on thisrole very late after Louis Garrel pulled out. How much time did you have toprepare for playing Laurence?


*Melvil Poupaud : I knew the script because I was supposed to playa small part in the movie, the part of a lady who turned into a man at onepoint. I was very happy to work with Xavier even though I had a small part, andI was kind of jealous of Louis because Laurence seemed to be a very appealingand interesting part to do.


I also did the editing on adocumentary that my mother made about cross-dressers, so I knew about thosepeople who were dressing up as women on the side, secretly, since they were achild, and they have this kind of duality. Some of them go all the way to theoperation and assume it in society, while others keep on doing it on the side,even though they have children.


I discovered through this documentarythat those people are hyper-heterosexual and not homosexual; it's like a crazylove for women that makes them feel they are more woman than man. So I couldavoid all of these clichés abouttransvestites and drag queens, and they had already been avoided by Xavier inthe script.


I arrived two weeks before the startof the shoot and weirdly the costumes fit me, and I didn't feel uneasy with thehigh heels or those extravagant dresses. Xavier was in charge of the costumesso we had some fun playing with this, he was like a child dressing me up withearrings etc, and that was a way for us to connect.


He had seen some of my films and Ihadn't seen any of his, but he showed them to me when I arrived in Montreal for theshoot and I really loved them. I knew I would love them because I had heard ofthem and when I met Xavier I could see that he was talented, but I was happy tosee how good he was.


*SC : He was very strong, to come into this project. On the first night hearrived he had to have his whole body shaved. That was some preparation.


*MP : Yes, it was hardcore. [laughs]


You have to be convincingas a couple who have had this long-term relationship. Is that something youhave to work on together or did it just click between you?


*SC : We didn't have time for exercises! [laughs] When we saw each otherfor the first time we spoke for an hour, or an hour and a half, and we feltthat we were both OK people, and even though I'm older than monsieur it's notso far that we can't understand each other.


After that you just have to haveconfidence and trust in each other's intuition. He said afterwards that he waswatching my relationship with Xavier, and it must have been hard for himbecause Xavier is very into his relationships with the women around him, so foranother man to enter that must have been hard.


*MP : Yeah, I felt sometimes that it wasn't so easy. At the end we gotalong very well and we are closer now. We also had two shoots, three months inwinter and then a break of five months. When we came back to the second part ofthe shoot, he had edited the first part so he knew what he was missing, so hecould tell us where we had to go further in our relationship, or what we had tocorrect. He showed us the editing so we could all understand the movie and seewhere it was going, so it was very helpful having this break.


*SC : It's true that we have a tumultuous relationship, a very explosiverelationship, Xavier and I. We're not fighting, we're just crazy together, andhe has close relationships with a lot of women around him, especially Monia.


*MP : You know, I think the film came about because he wanted to work withSuzanne again and he wanted to make a love story, so I think for him it's maybeeasier to make a love story between two women, even if it's heterosexual. Maybehe will change, but for the time being he is attracted to strong femalecharacters, and maybe less attracted to heterosexual guys, so I think I waslucky to have this part and have the chance to work with him.


Both of these partsrequire you to play a wide range of extreme emotions. What was that like foryou?


*MP : Weirdly, for me it's more difficult for me to look happyand light than it is to do those emotional things. Maybe that's my nature, butonce you're involved in the project and you have a good director who you wantto please, it's kind of easy to go there. Xavier is so demanding and sopassionate about his work, you can't escape his will. You have to be good andyou can never just be so-so, he's always pushing you further, and also thecrew. Emotional scenes are more easy. Laughing scenes are very difficult.


*SC : It's demanding physically and emotionally. As an actor, your nervesare always on demand when you are performing, but throughout the years I haveplayed many emotional parts, it's not just one part that does it to you. Youget used to those extreme emotions.


*MP : That is the work of an actor, to have your emotions at thedirector's disposal.


Xavier is such a visualstylist. When you are shooting, do you have a sense of what the finishedproduct will look like, or is it a surprise when you view the film?


*SC : They are very clearly written, so when you read the script you havethis vision.


*MP : From the previous movies he has made you can see he is stylish andis approaching more and more to perfection. On set he plays a lot of music soyou can participate in his viewing of the scene, and he shows you the editingand his very generous with his work. When you are making the scene, with theclothes, the slow-motion and the music, there is a sense of this mise-en-scène that is very playful and enthusiastic.




■《雙面勞倫斯》男主角梅維爾波柏Melvil Poupaud專訪




還記得侯麥《夏天的故事》(Conte d’été)裡,流連於3位美女之間卻又拿不定主意的賈斯柏?或是歐容《最後的時光》(Le temps qui reste)中,生命即將走到盡頭的同性戀攝影師侯曼嗎?這兩部片的男主角──法國演員梅維爾波柏(Melvil Poupaud)應本屆金馬影展的邀請來到台灣,宣傳他備受矚目的新作《雙面勞倫斯》(Lawrence Anyways)。






    Laurence Anyways 雙面勞倫斯
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